In honor of Sue Baker Dahne and Ma Schumacher

Frieda (Sloan) Jones sent in a generous donation in honor of Sue Baker Dahne and "Ma" Schumacher with the following note:

"The enclosed donation is made with lots of love and heartfelt memories that have become a part of who I am today. Ma-He-Tu has never left me."

Frieda and others who have donated so generously to the Endowment Fund are pictured in this 1964 staff picture at the "old" dining hall!

Seated front row: Frieda (Sloan) Jones (far right), Jean (Gaise) Swedberg (middle)
First row standing: Bobbi Stone (second from right)
Third row from top: Frances (Dilworth) Skaggs (second from right), Ruth (Hrdlicka) Muenzen (third from right)
Top row: Marion (Angelides) Schumacher (far left), Paulette (Kessinger) Van Norman (middle)


Cold Water & Candles